Holy Family University Appoints Inaugural Executive Director for Global Initiatives

Holy Family University has appointed His Royal Highness Prince Adnan El-Hashemite as the University’s inaugural Executive Director for Global Initiatives.

Adnan El-Hashemite

In his role, Prince Adnan will oversee the University's Global Initiatives & International Programs and the United Nations' NGO status. In addition, he will launch a four-course program for students in global studies, among other priorities.

As the second son of HRH Prince El-Sharif Mohammad bin King Faisal (I) of Iraq El-Hashemite. he earned a BSc Degree in Management - International Relations from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Along with philanthropy and social development, after graduation, he worked at renowned US and international financial institutions and established a development group dedicated to the utilization of private equities and home offices for urban redevelopment in underprivileged unfinanceable sectors.

His love and passion for arts and culture was clear from a young age. At the age of 16, he exhibited his first Thematic Calligraphy Artwork with other renowned artists, and at 17, held his first one-man show and then continued to exhibit his paintings in Cairo, 马德里, 伦敦, and New York Metro; all proceeds were donated to support youth education and arts programs in developing countries, mainly in Latin America.

Prince Adnan utilized his knowledge of cultures and the language of Arts for the promotion of peace and social development and to influence international organizations and governing bodies including UNESCO to name Culture as The Foundation for Global Peace.

In 1995, RASIT’s Board of Trustees and Executive Board elected Prince Adnan as the Dean of RASIT, following the Founder President of RASIT, the late HRH Prince El-Sharif Mohammad’s retirement. Since 1995, Prince Adnan’s experience in banking and finance, 愿景, and leadership led to a great development and transformation in RASIT’s work and sustainable methods of funding its programs.

He turned RASIT’s policies and work with partners and affiliates into international platforms for catered development programs to serve the needs of growing countries and regions. In 1997, Prince Adnan’s study on incentivizing Corporate Social Responsibility and turning a percentage of corporate taxes into defined “taxation for education” for direct investments in youth and social development, was adopted by the British Government, the Commonwealth ASTME, European countries, and later with the United Nations in its Millennium Development Goals.

In 2004, Prince Adnan established his independent business and focused on his academic career. He established RASIT’s operation at the United Nations in 2007 and is the founder of the UN Fellowship Program, which is now an academic program at various universities. In addition to his position in RASIT, he most recently served as an Executive Director for Global Academic Initiatives, Associate Professor of Global Affairs & International Relations, and on the Board of Regents at Felician University.

